226,331 BTC
Invested: $ 8.353 billion, currently worth: $ 15.361 billion (84 %)
5,210,397 ETH
currently worth $ 16.935 billion (103 %)
Microstrategy BTC Holdings
And what if Microstrategy had bought ETH instead?
7.009 billion USD
with BTC
8.582 billion USD
with ETH

What about staking?

524,252 ETH
at 4%, currently worth $ 1703.9 million
5,734,649 ETH
currently worth $ 18.639 billion

What if he buys ETH now?

4,726,252 ETH
...if he trades his BTC for ETH now...
768 million USD
Microstrategy never had this much operating income

Why this visualization?

Mainly because the data nerd in me was interested in the data. Now you can also use it for your petty Twitter dunks on Michael Saylor. Of course hindsight is 20/20, and his decision to convert his company cash (and more) into Bitcoin could have been (and still can be) the greatest decision ever. But saying “there is no second best crypto asset” is a bit of a stretch if you ask me and the data that is currently available.

More tools and visualizations

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