Ledger Stax

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

  • Der Hardware Herstellen Ledger hat ein neues Hardware Wallet vorgestellt: Der “Ledger Stax”
  • es ist ein Kreditkarten-großes Gerät mit e-Ink Touch Screen mit dem auch NFTs und QR Code anzeigbar sind
  • es wird ca. 279 Dollar kosten und ist ab sofort vorbestellbar im Ledger Shop

On December 6, 2022, the annual LedgerOp3n event took place, where the company Ledger presented its latest hardware wallet: the Ledger Stax. The presentation of the device was led by Pascal Gauthier, the CEO of Ledger and Apple iPod designer Tony Fadell.

The wallet is about the size of a credit card and has an e-ink display (with touch screen functionality) that allows the display of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in black and white. The display is also capable of displaying QR codes.

The name “Stax” is derived from the ability to stack multiple devices using magnets. Whether this also has a function (multi-signature wallets?) is not yet known.

In addition, the wallet has an NFC chip that allows the wallet to be used contactlessly. Ledger Stax will cost 279 dollars and is expected to be available in the first quarter of 2023.

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