Ledger Nano S Plus

Key facts about the Ledger Nano S Plus

  • The Ledger Nano S Plus is a new hardware wallet and the successor of the Ledger Nano S
  • It is now available for 79 Euro at the Ledger Shop
  • The Ledger Nano S Plus has a few improvements over the Ledger Nano S
  • The price is between the Nano S (59 euros) and the Nano X (149 euros).

Ledger Nano S Plus

The successor to the Ledger Nano S has more memory and a larger display.

  • bigger Display
  • enough memory for multiple coins
79 €

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What innovations does the Ledger Nano S Plus bring?

Bigger Display

The display is similar to that of the Ledger Nano X and has three lines.

More Storage

While the Ledger Nano S only had room for a maximum of 3 apps (160KB), the Ledger Nano S Plus now has significantly more memory. The storage space is supposed to be comparable to that of the Ledger Nano X. (approx. 1.8MB)

USB-C Connection

The Micro USB port of the Ledger Nano S has been replaced in favor of the USB-C standard.

New secure element

According to Ledger, the secure element ‘ST33K1M5C’ is used. So far, the models ST31H320 (Nano X) and ST33J2M0 (Nano S) have been installed.


In terms of price, the Ledger Nano S Plus is positioned between the Ledger Nano S and the Ledger Nano X. It costs 79 Euro + shipping.

Nano S Plus comparison against Nano S and Nano X

FeaturesLedger Nano SLedger Nano S PlusLedger Nano X
Buy for59 Euro79 Euro149 Euro
Enough memory
Better Display
Mobile App

Ledger Nano S Plus Review

My Ledger Nano S Plus arrived after a delivery time of 3 days. It is in a sealed package. Caution: This packaging should be completely undamaged to ensure that no other person has had access to the Nano S Plus during transport and may have read out the recovery seed.

The Nano S Plus comes with

  • The device itself (Ledger Nano S Plus)
  • A ribbon to hang on a keychain or the like
  • A USB-C Kabel
  • Three recovery sheets
  • A few documents including a Quick Start Guide
  • A silver “Trust Yourself” cover sheet


The Ledger Live app is not really needed for the installation (it works with the device only), but it is recommended to download the Ledger Live app directly (ledger.com/start) and work through the installation checklist. You should sert aside 15 to 20 minutes to do this.

The basic operation of the Nano S Plus is done via the two buttons. Right = Next, Left = Back, Both = Confirmation.

First, a PIN is set on the device. This can be four to eight digits. Due to the marginal security gain of an eight-digit PIN and the fact that you have to enter the PIN relatively often (the Nano S Plus always locks after a few minutes of inactivity), I think that four digits quite sufficient. I can remember them (additional storage in the password manager is recommended), and the constant unlocking is not annoying. If you forget the PIN, you can reset the device with the recovery seed which you should NEVER lose.

Der nächste Schritt ist das Aufschreiben des Recovery Seeds. Der Nano S Plus zeigt dafür hintereinander 24 Wörter an,

The next step is to write down the Recovery Seed. The Nano S Plus displays 24 words in succession, which should be written down on one (or more) of the recovery sheets supplied. With this Recovery Seed, the Nano S Plus can be restored at any time. Even without the device itself! The words should therefore be kept very safe (in a safe or well hidden). Also they should NEVER be entered into a computer. A photo of the recovery sheet is also NOT recommended!

After confirming that the correct words have been written down, all words are checked again.

The last step before the Ledger Nano S Plus is ready for use is to install the desired coin app (Bitcoin, Ethereum,…) via the Ledger Live app.


The operation of the Nano S Plus follows the same pattern as any hardware wallet:

  1. Transaktion initiieren über d
  • Initiate transaction via the Ledger Live app
  • Check transaction details on the display of the Nano S Plus
  • Confirm the transaction by pressing the two buttons

The transaction is thus signed with the private key built into the Nano S Plus. Even on insecure mobile phones/computers, no one can access the private key to move the coins.

Conclusion Ledger Nano S Plus

Due to the larger display than the cheaper Nano S, the Nano S Plus actually feels more user-friendly to use. If you don’t necessarily need the Bluetooth features, there is no difference to the much more expensive Ledger Nano X in this respect.

The memory is not inferior to the Nano X and it is a significant improvement compared to the Nano S. Due to the significantly lower price, the Nano S Plus is therefore the most reasonable hardware wallet from Ledger for us. Click here to go to the store. The purchase via this link supports our work.

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