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Weekly active addresses

4,66 Mio

2,0 %
Weekly transactions

139,20 Mio

9,7 %
Average Bitcoin fee/transaction

$ 1,43

10,0 %
Average Ethereum fee/transaction

$ 3,71

82,8 %
Share of Miner Revenue paid by Fees (Bitcoin vs. Ethereum)
Total Fees paid in USD for transactions (Bitcoin vs. Ethereum)
Bitcoin Dominance
Tether Dominance
Smart Contract Dominance
Privacy Coin Dominance
ETH locked in DeFi Apps

9,6 % 10,18 Mio ETH

-4,5 %
USD locked in DeFi Apps

$ 104 914,77 Mio

-6,5 %
Total Amount of USD locked in Top DeFi Apps
USD locked in Lightning